
Middle-Aged Woman

Q: What can a man do while his wife is going through menopause?

A: Keep busy. If you're handy with tools, you can finish the
basement. When you are done you will have a place to live.


Q: Where do 50+ year olds look for fashionable glasses?

A: Their foreheads.


Q: What is the most common remark made by 50+ year olds when they enter antique stores?

A: "I remember these".

Somewhere I saw HRT referred to as Humor Replacement Therapy, which brought me to thoughts about God. Bringing God into it is a good idea, too... as in:

"Gawd, I wish I could get some sleep."
"Gawd, I'm out of dry pajamas."
"Gawd, I need a fire extinguisher for my face and neck." or
"Gawd, where did I put my car keys?" (St. Anthony works better here.)

To go along with the HRT theme, here's Lisa Koch:

Hey, I think I just embedded my first video! Wa-hoo!! Who says you can't teach an old bitch new tricks? If you don't get it, you aren't there yet...


  1. 47yo checking in: glasses on the face; Oh! there they are:)
    antiques store; I had one of these!

  2. Oh how true is! I'm so glad I stumbled across your site.

  3. Just found your blog - loved that video :-) So true!


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