
Seems Like Yesterday

Shocking news!! The most recent Menopause Cafe post was more than a year and a month ago. Seems like yesterday. Well, maybe not yesterday, but no more than eight months ago tops. Things have changed ever so slightly...

Now, when I lie awake at night, I'm too lazy to go downstairs and fire up the blog.

And I've moved my alarm clock to the guest bedroom where I occasionally migrate if SeƱor snores too loudly, because we all know that staring at a clock does not encourage restful sleep.

Also, I do pelvic stretches under the covers to alleviate back spasms rather than leave the cozy bed. My socks and electric blanket... they comfort me.

And, after years of wearing little or nothing to bed, the flannel nightshirt arrived in the mail today. Warm trumps sexy... and the husband agrees.

This is sad. This is middle age. Chasing down the stray whiskers on my chin, looking for Grand-Canyon-strength deep wrinkle cream, settling for a nap instead of having sex.

Just shoot me now.

Just kidding.

Need something to brighten your day ....uh, night?



  1. Have you been sneeking around my house? I think I have found a new friend :)

  2. Indeed... the Nadir of my own existence came when I of necessity did purchase a Rotary Nasal Hair Clipper on Amazon. Tell no one, for my brand is Sacrosanct...

  3. Indeed... the Nadir of my own existence came when I of necessity did purchase a Rotary Nasal Hair Clipper on Amazon. Tell no one, for my brand is Sacrosanct...


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