
A Little Whine

A little merlot. A fine chardonnay. I love a good glass of wine. But it just doesn't love me.

Wine = 3:15 AM Wake up call

With beer and hard liquor, sleep totally takes a holiday. Is there anyone else out there with this curious form of insomnia?


  1. A good GLASS of wine? CRRAP! That's my problem. I've been drinking the whole frigging bottle! Maybe that's why I don't wake up at 3am?

  2. Linda, you crack me up. A bottle of wine? I wish... I'd either be hugging the toilet bowl or undergoing an emergency appendectomy. It would take a full family size box of Honey Bunches of Oats and at least three, no four Tylenol 500s to settle my stomach.

    I can blame last night on a 3 blind moose merlot. It was very tasty, and well worth the early wake up call. Have you ever tried any of Walmart's Oak Leaf Vineyard varietals? The pinot grigio and the pinot noir are supposed to be pretty good and cheap. (I laughed when I read a review.) My brother-in-law swears by Two Buck Chuck (Charles Shaw from Trader Joe's.) What is your favorite moderately-priced vino? I like the William Hill cabernet.


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